Clear Your Thyroid Blocks

Clear Your Thyroid Blocks is a virtual program where together we work on the emotional and energetic level to find and clear thoughts, beliefs and patterns that are perpetuating thyroid symptoms and holding you back from really living your best life.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and confused about what you may be missing to solve your thyroid issues, you will gain clarity and feel empowered that you are taking control with certainly on exactly what to do.

In this program, we will have 2 virtual group sessions (live and recorded) that are 90 minutes each

  • In the first session, I will explain the method in detail and we will start clearing the blocks that come up.
  • In the second session, we will pick up where we left off and continue clearing the major thyroid blocks such as freedom of expression, not enoughness, shame, guilt and many more

I will show you exactly:

  • How you can “watch” your thoughts
  • How you can easily and effortlessly intervene when a thought is not serving you
  • Clear the thought and the original pattern or belief for good and
  • How to replace it with a different core belief that will elevate you to the next level

We will be doing the process together and I will be teaching you exactly how you can do it on your own for any thought, pattern, belief or issue that comes up for you going forward.

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We will email you log in info in the next 24 hours

Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of thyroid cases over the past two decades, I can truly say that I know that in order to truly support Hashimoto’s and optimize thyroid we have to look at it from all angles.

While biochemistry is crucial, we know it's only a piece of the puzzle. 

In the last few years, I have been finding more and more that even when biochemistry is in balance, we can still experience frustrating thyroid and autoimmune  symptoms. A lot of that can come from NOT just what goes on in our thyroid or even in our immune system, but actually due to what is going on our head. And not physically.. but it's what and how we think and what we focus on.

We ALL have various blocks that can keep us from healing and they stem from our thoughts, emotions, imprints and beliefs. Working with thyroid patients over the last 20 years, I started to notice more specific beliefs and patterns that I call thyroid blocks. They can range from things like not being able to express, to not feeling good enough, to shame, to being a people pleaser and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

While we can logically talk about them and even know deep down in our brains that they are not true - that we really are good enough etc.. its hard to truly believe it as most of us have had these beliefs/thoughts/blocks for a long time.  They are typically things that we imprint from a very young age from our parents or caretakers.

The good news is that there IS something we can do. While there are dozens of modalities from hypnosis to EMDR and so many in between, and they are all fantastic, don’t get me wrong, I often find those can take a long time and because they require a practitioner, they do not always teach people how they continue with the practices on their own and that part is really important.

I have tried and am trained in many different modalities and over the last few years, I have been working on combining and blending the things that work best for myself and my clients and formulated a method that can truly get to the root of your thyroid and autoimmune blocks.

We work on the emotional and energetic level to really find and clear emotions, thoughts and patterns that are perpetuating thyroid symptoms and holding you back from really living your best life.

In this approach, we are still working on your biochemistry but instead of specifically looking at blood work etc.. we are doing it through downregulating your nervous system.  

Why is it important to lower the nervous system?

When the nervous system is upregulated, the body is in a state of alarm

Not only does the immune system take a back seat, our digestive system slows down and detoxification is not a priority, but additionally, our cells can get stuck in a state of “stress” and even if you are making thyroid hormone, it may not be able to get into the cell due to this stress response.

Yes of course we can support our adrenals and take nutrients which are very helpful, BUT if we keep thinking the same thoughts and operating from the same beliefs, nothing will truly change.


In this approach, we actually look at the root of these beliefs, clear them and replace them with what it is that we truly want.


With this method, there are: 

  • NO additional diet changes to make
  • NO additional supplements to take
  • NO additional modification to your exercise routine


I am not saying that diet and supplements are not important or helpful, they are, but they are only a piece of the puzzle and I know that you have already done a lot of the biochemistry piece. 

If you are still struggling in any way even after making diet, supplement or medication changes, this can truly be the missing piece. 

And if you already feel better from all the changes with your diet and supplements, this can take you to the next level and accelerate your results even more.

In this program, we will have 2 virtual group sessions that are 90 minutes each.

  • In the first call, I will explain the method in detail and we will start clearing the blocks that come up.
  • In the second call, we will pick up where we left off and continue clearing the major thyroid blocks such as freedom of expression, not enoughness, shame, guilt and many more


I will show you exactly:

  • How you can “watch” your thoughts
  • How you can easily and effortlessly intervene when a thought is not serving you
  • Clear the thought and the original pattern or belief for good and
  • How to replace it with a different core belief that will elevate you to the next level

We will be doing the process together and I will be teaching you exactly how you can do it on your own for any thought, pattern, belief or issue that comes up for you going forward. 

The program will be given LIVE, however if you are not available at the times of the LIVE, you do NOT have to attend live. It will be recorded and you can watch the recordings at your convenience.

It never expires and you have access to the videos forever.

I have found this method to be so effective that I am even able to take less supplements. It's amazing how much our body can do and how much it can heal when  given a chance and when we can get out of our own way.


This is for you if you are struggling with:

    • Thyroid Issues

    • Hashimoto’s

    • Autoimmunity

    • Chronic Health Issues

Clearing these blocks is fantastic for anyone dealing with thyroid problems and virtually any chronic health issue as they are blocks that are so common for so many suffering with frustrating symptoms. 

You will be able to feel the shift immediately and many of my clients say they feel lighter, uplifted, energized and remotivated. 

I really wanted to make this as accessible as possible and as affordable as possible for as many people as I can because I know it can really help. 

It is also really easy to do and does not require anything additional. 

All you need is to bring yourself and be open to what comes up.

The program includes two 90 minute group sessions and the recordgings. 

We will clear your thyroid blocks together and I will teach you how you can continue to use this method on your own for years to come to clear any other blocks and patterns that come up.


“It's like you got in my head and knew exactly what was happening, that heavy feeling and dread is gone.” 


The program is NOW OPEN for enrollment!

The live calls are going to be on November 2nd and November 9th but please DO NOT worry if you can’t make it live.


You DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND LIVE - it will be recorded and you can watch/listen anytime. 

Most of my clients find that they listen to the recordings 2, 5, 10, even 20 times because each time you can get even more out of it, so you will have access to it for life. 

Our bodies possess remarkable healing capabilities, but they need the right environment to flourish. Often, our bodies are in a constant state of stress, preventing them from healing naturally. 

This is why I firmly believe that alongside biochemistry, we must consider our emotions, beliefs, past traumas, thoughts, and even our connection to something greater than ourselves.

I am really looking forward to supporting you!

More Information
Additional Notes These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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